Can't Sugar Coat This !
Sugar feeds cancer cells! I could stop there (short and not so sweet!) but I’ll try to convince you with more detailed information.
Otto Warburg, Ph.D. the Nobel laureate in medicine first discovered back in the thirties that cancer cells have a different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells. Glucose, cancer’s preferred food, is used to fuel cancer cells. Cancer metabolizes through a fermentation process just like when you make wine, you need sugar for this process. So, do we want to feed these cells or starve them?
The affect on your blood-glucose level is measured by the glycemic index. Each food is given a number rating. The lower the rating, the slower the body digest and absorbs which provides a healthier, more gradual infusion of sugar into your bloodstream. If the blood-sugar level has a rapid increase, it places stress on the body.
Sugar has many names used to identify simple carbohydrates, which includes monosaccharides such as fructose, glucose and galactose; and disaccharides such as maltose and sucrose (white table sugar). Even the Corn Refiners Association applied to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for permission to use the term “corn sugar” on food labels as an alternative to “high fructose corn syrup”. Other disguises for sugar entering our body are from the actual foods we eat such as most white flours, including pasta, cereal, white bread, white rice and potatoes all turn to sugar. Try replacing these products with whole grain cereals, multi grain breads, whole wheat or spelt pasta and sweet potatoes. Also healthier natural sugar substitutes such as Agave (cactus sap), Stevia (a plant source), xylitol and dark chocolate can help fill the sweet tooth you have with a much lower glycemic index. Fruit in its natural state such as blueberries, cherries and raspberries can help to regulate blood sugar levels but avoid jellies, jams and fruit cooked in sugar.
The ability to control your blood-glucose level can be achieved through diet, exercise, supplements, meditation and if needed prescription medications. All of these can be crucial to the prevention of, along with the recovery program to combating cancer. In addition to feeding your cells, sugar stimulates inflammation and cell growth and reduces your immune system’s ability to fight off cancer cells.
So again I repeat, the fact is simple, Sugar Feeds Cancer!
Here is an informational video you might find worthwhile:
Modah Ani, I Am Thankful