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HIS Breast Cancer Collage


help us raise awareness 


educate and save lives


not just a woman's disease


1 out of 1,000 men


know your family history

Offering Insight and Education on Male Breast Cancer

Sir, You Have Breast Cancer! Maybe you’re here because you’ve heard these words, or someone you care about has? Or you found us because you were searching for information on breast cancer and had no idea that a man could be diagnosed with this disease? Whatever brought you to HIS Breast Cancer Awareness, we are here to help! We are here to inform, to educate, bring awareness and help with prevention or assist if you have already been diagnosed with breast cancer. Co-founded by a brother and sister who are both breast cancer survivors and carry the BRCA2 gene mutation, we know what it’s like and how to help!


Men: It is Your Life. Your Treatment. Your decisions. The more information you have the more educated your decision(s) will be. HIS Breast Cancer Awareness is a good information source for Male Breast Cancer. We are here to help educate and bring awareness that not just women may have to deal with the risk of or a positive diagnosis of breast cancer. Whether you have a family history of breast cancer, have been tested genetically or just want to take precaution methods for a healthier life, HIS Breast Cancer Awareness is here for you.


Yes, men can get breast cancer too


"Even if the percentage of men diagnosed with male breast cancer is small, it is often more fatal for a large percentage of the men diagnosed. Since most men don't know to look for it, the disease is usually found after it has progressed to a more dangerous level."


At last, there's a non-profit organization for information about Male Breast Cancer!

Support HIS Breast Cancer
Featured Partner

We are honored to partner with Unite For HER in their efforts to recognize HIM. Together we are bringing men newly diagnosed with breast cancer healing resources and integrative therapies that will impact their overall emotional and physical health. HIS Care Box was developed by Unite for HER's team of medical and wellness professionals to help men diagnosed with breast cancer during treatment and beyond.

Male Breast Cancer Support Group
Pink & Blue Movie
The Pink & Blue Movie











See Harvey & Vicki in The PINK & BLUE Documentary to help educate and inform people about the BRCA mutation and male breast cancer. Renowned doctors examine what it is and how this mutation puts both women and men at a higher risk of developing numerous cancers. Looking to host a screening? E-mail us.

Sir You Have Breast Cancer Book
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Male Breast Cancer Awareness Merchandise
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