Thirteen years ago, this week, I heard those infamous words: “Mr. Singer, Sir You Have Breast Cancer!” It was not that shocking to hear,...
3 Male Cancer Risks Related To Vehicles And Driving
According to the US National Cancer Institute, cancer mortality is higher among men with a rate of 196.8 per 100,000 compared to 139.6...
Men and Hereditary Gene Mutations
Can you be a man and have or pass down the BRCA (BReast CAncer) gene mutation? The quick answer is YES! So what does this mean exactly if...
BRCA- Sharing With My Sons, Their Risks and Their Feelings
I was filled with emotion when asking my three sons to share what they remember when I told them I carried the BRCA genetic mutation and...
There’s a day for Mother’s, Father’s, and your boss, a day for honoring our flag, our veterans and our freedom. There is Black Friday to...
WHY Didn't I Have a Mastectomy?
I carry the BRCA2 gene mutation, I have had several bouts with breast cancer and I have NOT had a mastectomy- WHY? When I was approaching...
MEN: Getting to Know Your-Self Breast Exam
As a Male, one of the most important exercises you can perform for and on yourself is to do a self breast exam – yes men do have breast!...
Our Story...
It’s almost a given that in one’s lifetime either a friend, family member, loved one or oneself will be diagnosed with cancer. It...