#GivingTuesday Please....
#GivingTuesday, is a global giving movement that has been driven by individuals, families, organizations, businesses and communities in...
BRCA in Men Myths
As you know, if you’ve been reading every week, the topic of this blog is using data in education. In July, I changed things up by...
Men and Hereditary Gene Mutations
Can you be a man and have or pass down the BRCA (BReast CAncer) gene mutation? The quick answer is YES! So what does this mean exactly if...
BRCA- Sharing With My Sons, Their Risks and Their Feelings
I was filled with emotion when asking my three sons to share what they remember when I told them I carried the BRCA genetic mutation and...
What About The MEN This October?
Here it comes! Are you ready for the world to turn PINK for breast cancer awareness? Let’s face it, if you’re a man, you probably tune...