Father's Day Life Saving Tips
Do the men in your life know they can be diagnosed with breast cancer? Do men realize they have breast too? On Father’s Day you’re...
Newly Diagnosed with Male Breast Cancer
I am 55-year-old white male married 35 years with 2 children and 2 grandchildren. One day in September 2019, I was in the shower shaving...
HIS Giving Story
Sir, You Have Breast Cancer! Hearing these words is what made a difference in helping to save lives! In October of 2008 and after...
Ten Years of Educating and Saving Lives
HIS Breast Cancer Awareness was established October 2009, because we believed we needed to make changes to what we know and think about...
Male Breast Cancer and the Stigma Around It
Male breast cancer is unlike other cancers in that it carries a stigma for many who are diagnosed with it. A big reason for this is that...
Male Breast Cancer Risks
It’s October and it’s time for awareness and education, so let’s begin with Wikipedia’s definition of Male Breast Cancer: “Male breast...
Are you "aware" and making healthier choices? You hear all about awareness for breast cancer through the gazillion commercials and...
MEN: Getting to Know Your-Self Breast Exam
As a Male, one of the most important exercises you can perform for and on yourself is to do a self breast exam – yes men do have breast!...