Holiday Care Gift Guide
A cancer diagnosis is cruel at anytime, but it is especially difficult during the holidays. A time that is supposed to be spent with...
Taking Back Control
“My body had a mind of its own. I needed to take control, for my mind, my health and my soul.” I decided to go to Hilton Head Health (H3)...
Male Breast Cancer Symptoms, Signs and Self-Exam
What are some of the symptoms for male breast cancer? Male breast cancer symptoms are no different than they are for women. What is...
What About The MEN This October?
Here it comes! Are you ready for the world to turn PINK for breast cancer awareness? Let’s face it, if you’re a man, you probably tune...
Are you "aware" and making healthier choices? You hear all about awareness for breast cancer through the gazillion commercials and...
EXTRA, EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT! In October you can’t open the newspaper, magazine or computer without the inclusion of a news piece or...
It's the Fall season with all the those beautiful colors! Let’s make great use of all those pumpkins! What a wonderful time of year it...
We Have So Much To Be Thankful For
Together we are making a difference with awareness and savings lives and we hope you all feel an overwhelming amount of gratitude. For...
Blue In A Pink World
Some of us are old enough to remember when the Women’s Liberation Movement took place back in the 1970’s. It was an amazing time in our...
WHY Didn't I Have a Mastectomy?
I carry the BRCA2 gene mutation, I have had several bouts with breast cancer and I have NOT had a mastectomy- WHY? When I was approaching...
Lifestyle Part 2 Move It!
In Part 2 of our Healthy Lifestyle eating healthier is a great start but exercise is equally as important for your body and your mind. ...
Male Mastectomy
Something suspicious has been identified. Probably you felt it and found it due to some pain or irritation or although unlikely, because...
Thankful For Cancer
The words “thankful and cancer” do not usually go together! But maybe they can…. Although intellectually we are far above other animals,...
Apple A Day
Our parents always tried to teach us to eat our fruits and vegetables and as hard as it may be to admit it- they were right! As little as...
What Can I Do?
What Can “I” do? Many years ago I remember asking my doctor this question only to be told; “We’ll keep a close watch and have a mammogram...